我爱中华: 签证官您好,我想问一下我所准备的材料是在签证官要的时候给他呢还是在谈话中涉及到此类问题主动递交? 您的基本材料在面谈前已经递交到相应窗口,当面谈时如签证官员需要您额外的材料到时您可以
我爱中华: 签证官您好,我是签F1,如果我没有听懂签证官问的英文,是否可以要求签证官用中
我爱中华: 签证官您好,我去签F1签证,我本应9月份在开学的新学期报到,但是8月份遭拒签。现在又重新办理了一份I-20,上面写着11月份报到,现在去签证会因时间问题而拒签吗?
不会因您申请到一份新的I-20上面新的时间而被拒签。 Maggie: 您好!不知可不可以拿新旧两个I-20入境? 我是用学校I-20签证通过后,因护照发给我时
新的I-20 表格。
我爱中华: 签证官您好,我去美国读高中,但是只能提供50多万RMB的银行存款,我看网上写着读高中要准备100多万RMB的银行存款,请问是否会被拒签呢? 美国使馆签证处对赴美的申请人在金额准备上没有具体的要求。请注意–但是您必须使签证官员
stanley: 签证官您好!我是去年9月27日从洛杉矶回国的,登机的时候忘记返还 I-94卡,会不会
请查看美国海关网站 - v/了解更多信息。
today: 另外想帮朋友问下,对曾经持J1入境(目前已回国,但现在仍在两年期限内),她的先生(现在在美国境内)可以带着她一起申请绿卡吗?她想知道申请I-140时,她是否不用在美国境内?而申请
michaelchensh: 签证官您好:我持有B1/B2的签证,我下个月去美国参加一个会议,然后打算顺便
去美国旅游一下,这样可以吗?我一共去20天左右。在我入境美国的时候,我要跟移民官怎么说我访问美国的目的呢?是回答BUSINESS AND TRAVEL吗?谢谢您?
czg_Shanghai: . 现在我打算要申请与上次同样的B2签证,准备明年赴美探亲。不知在填写DS-160
表时关于“以前签证是否被取消过”项是勾选NO 还是YES(它没有可填写说明的空间)?因为事实上我签证有效期内确实没有被取消过,到塞班岛旅游时它其实是过期而且不需要用的,但被写
上了CWOP. 我不是很理解CWOP的含义,我不知道如实应该怎么填写,请指点,谢谢!
bj: 签证官您好,请问我去美国读高中,让美国朋友的学校,我需要很了解它吗?比如签证官问
tanghu: 您好,我有几个问题一直困惑着我。1.我小孩于去年7月签F1证到美国流学,签证于今
sissi: 我想获得美国的医疗帮助,可又不知道由哪里开始进行..护照已经有了。
首先您需要预约一个面谈时间,如果时间太晚,可以将医疗加急面谈申请及相关医疗材料发传真至8531 3399。
today: 请问持B1签证进入美国境内后,可以同持H1B签证的人结婚吗?这会影响我下次的入境签证吗?谢谢!
czg_Shanghai: Dear Officer: I visited the United States 6 times with B1/B2 visa and I always came back to China before the U.S. Immigration- Department-allowed deadline. All my visa applications for the 6 visits were approved smoothly in one shot, and all of my visas have never been cancelled. My last visa was issued Jun. 17, 2010 with the expiration date of Jun. 14, 2011. In the summer this year, July, 21 ~July, 25, I joined a sightseeing tour to US’s Saipan Island on Pacific Ocean organized by CITS(China International Travel Service). It has been the fact already for many years that U.S. Government allows visa free for China citizen to enter Saipan Island for short term tour. So the visit of all our tour members including me is visa free this time. But when I went through the entry gate producing my passport, the officer hand-wrote CWOP on my expired visa page which in fact has nothing to do with this Saipan visit. Now I’m going to apply for a new B2 visa, same type as the last one, planning for visit my da
czg_Shanghai: But when I went through the entry gate producing my passport, the officer hand-wrote CWOP on my expired visa page which in fact has nothing to do w ith this Saipan visit. Now I’m going to apply for a new B2 visa, same type as the last one, planning for visit my daughter in U.S. next year. I don’t know how to select YES or NO to the question “Has your U.S. Visa ever been cancelled or revoked? “ on DS-160 form. The fact is my visas have never been cancelled, my last visa had been expired already when I went to Saipan Island with no need of a visa(visa free), but now there is a hand-written CWOP on the expired visa page in my passport. I don’t fully un derstand the meaning of CWOP. Because there is no field could be used to write explanation but only YES or NO selection box for the question on DS-160 form, would you please give me your advice? Thank you!
CWOP, sometimes found on a US Visa, stands for “canceled without prejudice”. You do not need to claim this occurrence on your DS-160. This is used to signify that a valid visa is expired, often due to the issuance of a newer US visa.
Lotus: Dear Sir, I would like to ask whether all J-1 Work and Travel students need to pay tax during their stay in US? What should I do if my employer pay me by cash? Will it leave bad record on my credit in the future?
全国新一轮降温Lotus, yes you need to pay taxes while in the US. If you’re employer wants to pay you in cash, your employer could possibly be conducting illegal working activities. For additional information on US tax code, please see the IRS
(v/businesses/small/international/article/0,,id=131635,00.html). You may also research the Wilberforce Act.
sallly: Dear sir, I have been working in Tianjin for more than one year, but the issue place of my passport is Zhejiang and my hometown is also in Zhejiang. My Hukou (residential information) is also registered in Zhejiang. Would you please tell me where should i apply my visa, Beijing or Shanghai? Thanks a lot!
广西南宁天气We recommend that you apply to interview based on where you live. If the wait time is shorter in another district, you are free to make your appointment time there.
See you soon in Beijing. You can tell the officer then that you live and work in Tianjin.
samsong: hi, I got one invitation letter from US, My visit data is from 30th,OCT to 24th,Nov. I haven't submitted anything about visa; can I get one visa before 30th, OCT? Any urgent process about it? Thanks
You should always schedule your appointment early. Last week, our wait times were down to 3 days, but you must give 1 day to 5 weeks for processing time after the interview.
To get the latest wait times, call our call center.
折文明: I've got the visa approval but lost it just before my trip. What should I do?
If you lost your visa and passport, you will need to interview again. It is not guaranteed that you will get a replacement.
昆山人才市场招聘网最新招聘信息susan_tianjin: Dear Visa Officer, my parents applied for their G4 visas on August 30th. but still haven't received their passports and visas. I wanted to check if your office has received the requested information from the World Bank HR or if additioonal information is required. I understand if the answer can't be posted in this public forum as it is not a general question but would greatly appreciate if you can reply my email that I sent a moment ago. Thank you very much.
Susan Tianjin, I believe that your inquiry was addressed in the last webchat. We will ensure that you email was received and respond to you via email. Also, our call center would be happy to assist you.
boxiao: Hi Dear officer, I am 3rd year PhD student in LA, got F-1 VISA originally cleared after "check"
in 2009, and renewed in Dec. 2010. Now I am going home in the winter break, hence need VISA-renew in Beijing in the coming Dec. I think I am qualified for drop-off renew, which is also mandatory. However, I heard from some friends that CITIC bank only accepts certain kinds of application materials in agreement with the embassy, excluding resume, study plan, adviser info, etc., which sounds to us are known to be necessary for returning student with a "check" history. In the worst case, the embassy might have to contact the applicant back again for these materials. So I want to confirm is it true that the bank is strictly not accepting those materials, or one need to mention specifically that the materials are highly likely needed? My hope is to avoid being asked back by the embassy for supplemental documents which delays the whole process and affects travel schedule. Thanks a lot!
You need to include the required documents. In your case, you should include your C.V. and transcripts.